A Micro-Mobility Take-Out Restaurant for Delivered Food.

A Social Butterfly is broadly defined as a person who is socially dynamic, networking, charismatic, and personally gregarious.

To reflect and incentivise the networking behavior of the social butterfly, in this building: Dining-In becomes take-out which leads to meeting-up, performed in different speeds ranging from fast to slow.

The building is digitally interlinked with nearby vendors and kitchens.

The food is picked-up at their locations by gig-workers or delivery drones on demand, brought to the dedicated drop-off and pick-up volumes and is ready for take-out or transferred to table-delivery. Every step implies human interaction.

It is a 3 story landmark with gradual transition from high flux to intimate space.

IoA University of Applied Arts - Vienna 2020

Studio Master: 

Greg Lynn

Project Author:

Georg Popp

Published in Dezeen Magazine - Virtual Design Festival in 2020

Exhibited at the Angewandte Festival - Cabinet of Curiosities in 2020